

10 fontes tipográficas de máquina de escrever

10 fontes tipográficas inspiradas em máquinas de escrever que você não pode deixar de ter em sua coleção!!! Do Woork.

1. King (download)

King is an elegant and highly readable typewriter font useful to design titles and headers.
Download King

2. 39 Smooth (download)

39 Smooth is a large-space font. I prefer use it in a big size to design headers and titlesDownload 39 Smooth

3. Underwood 1913 (download)

Underwood 1913 is a dirt-line font. Useful for old-style sites to design headers and titles.
Download Underwood 1913

4. Type-RA (download)

Type-Ra is another dirt-line font useful to design old design elements. I prefer use it in a small size.
Download Type-Ra

5. Last Words (download)

Last Words is a large typewriter font. Nice using big size for title and headers.
Download Last Words

6. F25 Executive (download)

F25 Executive is a very. To design text elements and headers for old-style letters or vintage websites.
Download F25 Executive

7. Telegraphem (download)

Telegraphem is an uppercase typewriter font. Useful to design old style labels using small size.
Download Telegraphem

8. Another Typewriter (download)

Another Typewriter is one of my preferred typewriter font, highly readable for titlesheadersor simple text.
Download Another Typewriter

9. Stalker (download)

Stalker is a large-space font. I prefer use it with a big size (greater than 40pt).
Download Stalker

10. XBand Rough (download)

XBand Rough is another uppercase typewriter font. Useful to design old style labels (I like medium size 16pt-30pt)
Download XBand Rough